Mona Lisa Touch For Vaginal Atrophy Specialist

Center for Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery
Manish Gopal, MD, MSCE
Urogynecologist located in Somerset, NJ & Monroe, NJ
Atrophic vaginitis is the medical term for vaginal atrophy, a bothersome condition that occurs when vaginal tissues become drier, thinner, and inflamed. Although vaginal atrophy is usually a byproduct of menopause, it can affect any woman who has abnormally low estrogen levels. At the Center for Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery in Somerset and Freehold, New Jersey, Dr. Manish Gopal uses advanced MonaLisa Touch® laser therapy to reverse the effects of vaginal atrophy. To learn more, call or book your appointment online today.
Mona Lisa Touch for Vaginal Atrophy Q & A
What is vaginal atrophy?
The reproductive hormone estrogen plays an important role in maintaining vaginal tissue elasticity and acidity as well as normal lubrication. When estrogen levels decline for any reason, your vaginal tissues can become drier, thinner, less elastic, and more fragile.
Other symptoms associated with vaginal atrophy include:
- Vaginal burning, itching, or discharge
- Burning or frequent urination
- Urinary incontinence or chronic UTIs
- Discomfort and decreased lubrication during sex
- Light bleeding following intercourse
Because estrogen levels decline dramatically during menopause, vaginal atrophy is a common side effect of going through “the change.”
What other conditions can cause vaginal atrophy?
Although vaginal atrophy is typically associated with menopause, a woman’s estrogen levels can decline at any time, and for a variety of reasons.
Some women experience vaginal dryness and other signs of vaginal atrophy following childbirth, for example, as their hormone levels slowly recover. Women who breastfeed their infants may also experience symptoms related to low estrogen for as long as they continue to nurse.
Other factors that can affect estrogen levels and lead to vaginal atrophy include:
- Smoking cigarettes
- Certain allergy medications
- Complete hysterectomy
- Hormonal treatments for breast cancer
- Ovarian cancer treatment
- Ovary removal surgery
Women who’ve never delivered a baby vaginally are more likely to develop vaginal atrophy later in life.
The same is true for women who are sexually inactive: Sexual activity, either with a partner or on your own, increases blood flow to the vagina and promotes tissue elasticity.
How can MonaLisa Touch help?
MonaLisa Touch uses advanced CO2 fractional laser technology to safely and effectively revitalize the tissues that line the vaginal canal.
By making microscopic injuries in the surface of these tissues, the treatment prompts your body’s natural healing mechanisms to restore collagen, glycogen, and hyaluronic acid to the area.
These changes cause your vaginal tissues to plump up and become more hydrated; they also help restore normal pH to help reduce the occurrence of infection.
What is the treatment like?
Dr. Gopal uses a slender vaginal probe to ease the laser into your vagina, where it emits painless pulses of laser energy into your tissues. Even though the laser remains in place for less than five minutes, it’s enough time to trigger collagen renewal and mucosa revitalization.
While many women report significant symptom improvement after their first MonaLisa Touch session, most women require three sessions for complete results.
After completing the entire treatment cycle, you’ll experience:
- Normal vaginal function
- Fewer infections and UTIs
- Pain-free sexual intimacy
Treatments are scheduled six weeks apart to give your body’s natural healing mechanisms enough time to rejuvenate the treated area.
How effective is MonaLisa Touch?
MonaLisa Touch laser therapy is effective at reversing vaginal atrophy and restoring vaginal function for 85-92% of women who receive the treatment.
As importantly, it’s just as effective for younger women who are affected by low estrogen as it is for older women who are going through menopause.
"I went to Dr Gopal because after researching solutions on line for “experiencing painful intercourse”, I found the Mona Lisa treatment. In my area he was one of the few doctors that offered the procedure. When I visit doctors it is extremely important that my first contact with up front staff is a pleasant experience. When I called to make an appointment I was greeted by a very patient and friendly receptionist called Rebecca. She explained that the Mona Lisa treatment was done in Somerset, which is quite a distance for me. Rebecca’s great attitude convinced me to travel that far. During my initial visit Dr Gopal explained what would happen in a thorough and professional way. Yes, I agree with the other comments that I saw on the web that he is aloof and appears hurried at times. As for the results they are great. My husband has always been patient and accommodating about my condition, and now we can enjoy intimacy on a regular basis like we had in the past. We’re not spring chickens but intercourse is a very important aspect of a good marriage and we had been forced to say “not now” once too often. With my Mona Lisa treatment now behind us we can fully experience the love making as we once did. One other significant benefit of choosing the Mona Lisa treatment is that it is not another drug. I am an ardent believer that the less drugs one puts in their body the better off you are." - Katherine N. on 05/28/18